Junketsu no Maria 05

Meet Lolotte. She’s too nice to be Galfa’s woman.

Unfortunately, we have no medieval beasts this week. So instead we’ve compiled a brief biography of the names dropped this episode.

We also apologize for the delay, our TL was sick which delayed TLC.

Like Maria, we’re still looking for that special someone. We’re in need of Translators and Translation checkers, Encoders, Typesetters and KFXers. If any of these positions appeal to you, head over to our recruitment page to get started.

Once again the producers have been kind enough to provide some historical notes on the show’s homepage (Google translated). They’ve even gone so far as to explain Galfa’s sword handling technique for those who were wondering.

Lord Le Comté Guillaume and Jean de Drouant: Individually, these don’t appear to be based on any real life person. However, there is a mention of a Jean Le Comté in a fairly common reference book. Jean Le Comté was “a member of the French garrison at Falaise in 1372, (he) made a practice of throwing husbands out of their houses for a night while he abused their wives.” Keep this in mind as the plot of this weeks episode progresses.

Justicier Richemont: Seemingly a very competent military commander and an important figure at the French court during the Hundred Years’ War.